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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee oversees financial and administrative matters, Commission work efforts, and is empowered to act for the Commission in all matters except adopting regional plan elements and the budget.

Scheduled Meetings

Past Meetings

The Commission's official minutes are bound documents available for viewing by appointment in the Commission Office. In lieu of this, Commission staff can provide a PDF of the official minutes upon receipt of a written or formal email request. Use the form on the Contact Us page to submit a request.

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August 15

July 18

June 20

May 16

April 18

March 14

February 15

January 18


November 16

October 19

August 17

July 20

May 18

April 20

February 16

January 19


November 17

October 20

September 29

August 18

July 21

May 19

April 21

February 17

January 20

Committee Members

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